3 Ways to Create Conscious Content

Creating conscious content is the key to providing value to your existing and potential clients. By providing educational and inspirational content, you can make an impact for your community. Get clear on how you want to show up on your social media, website, and blog or newsletter. Here are 3 ways to create conscious content. 

1. Share High-Quality Visuals

People can tell when things are rushed versus things that are done professionally and are well thought out. For Instagram, avoid posting photos or videos that you took a screenshot of. Instead, download from the Dropbox app or Airdrop into your phone. Then upload hi-res photos and videos to your Instagram from your camera roll.

TIP: If you need more professional support, hire a photographer, content creator, or creative agency to produce high-quality visuals for your brand. 

2. Connect With Feelings and Desired Actions

Consider what you would like your audience to feel or what actions you’d like them to take after consuming your content. For example, if you’d like someone to receive CLARITY and your goal is to get signups for your course, create content that gives educational info that creates clarity and leads them to sign up for your course.

3. Practice and Record

If you find writing blogs, captions, and emails challenging, try recording them on your phone. 

TIP: Use voice memo to record then upload to a site called Rev.com. Rev.com will transcribe your audio and convert it into written text. Then you can edit and publish your blog, caption, or email. 

Anyone can create content but it’s important to create conscious content if you want to make a meaningful impact on your community.

Kristine Lo

Los Angeles based Photographer and Consultant.


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AWAVEAWAKE: Art, Spirituality, and Sustainable Fashion with Jaclyn Hodes